There are numerous reasons why eBooks are overtaking the place of Paper books. We all know (especially those who read both) that both formats are totally different from each other. And mostly people will agree that if someone prefers one format upon other than the same book would have different meanings in both formats. I was not very fond of book reading before eBook era, but now I prefer eBooks. This goes for many people and vice versa of it. So the conclusion is eBooks are different from paper books.

While eBooks are different from paper books, same goes for writing of these. EBook writing protocols are different from paper book writing, especially if you are publishing your own books.

The Racing Days of Paper Books Are Over

Paper book writing is not possible for individual. For example, writer always needs a publisher or in simple words writer needs someone who admire his/her idea of books are willing to invest in book. But in case of writing in eBook format, you have freedom. You can write whatever you want. You can submit you eBook for sale or free of charge without anyone’s permission.

In the term of marketing, eBooks have huge advantages over paper books. You can direct advertise your eBook; you can sell your book at any price you want. You can put as many ads in your eBook as much you desire.

It is easier and cheaper (in some cases without cost) to edit or launch another edition of your eBook. For example, after a few days of your eBook publishing, you want to change a few things in book, you just have to edit it and the readers already bought it or downloaded it will be notified. Then they can download the latest version (edition) of the book. Try previous scenario with paper book, if proof reader makes a mistake (believe me, they do) and book published, thousands of people bought it then how can you make it correct? You can’t.

There are still people who prefer paper books upon eBooks due to some reasons. But it doesn’t seem that paper books will last longer.