Many bloggers are usually concerned by the traffic generated by their blog posts. This applies to both the experienced and the less experienced bloggers. This concern is founded on the fact that if a blog does not have many visitors, it technically does not have any meaning to the blogger or those who pay for the blog to exist. Here are some tips that can be used to increase traffic to a certain blog.

Bloggers should be keen on the kind of titles they assigned to their blog post. A good blog post title should be one that catches the attention of the audience easily. This is because the average time spent by many people on a particular page on the internet is not long. Bloggers should use their knowledge of the contemporary situations to come up with attractive titles. It is of great benefit for the blogger to do their blog writing when they are able to concentrate well; in situations where blog writing is done under duress and distracting situations, the blogger may fail to come up with a catchy title for the BlogSpot.

Bloggers should also be keen to draw attention to their articles by making their articles highly visible. There are creative and innovative ways for doing this; for example, by making the headings bold, using a large font size or using a font style that makes the headings visible. Caution should however be taken to avoid exaggeration as this can be repulsive to potential visitors to the blog.

Additionally, bloggers can use short lists instead of lengthy descriptions in order to save space. Another useful thing to do is to write the Blog using simple language, so avoid jargon words. The paragraphs should be concise but informative to the audience. Enhance your post using images, video or audio messages; this can be linked to other social media platforms.