Article writing is important for people who want attract many visitors in their website. However it is possible to make mistakes that can make you miss your goal. Below are some of the common mistakes that you should avoid as an article writer:

  • You must ensure that you do some proof reading to avoid any punctuation, spelling and grammatical errors. Make sure that the articles paragraphs arranged properly. The article should be readable and allow people to scan it fast. Be sure to maintain same person voice through out the article.
  • When writing the article avoid being too promotional or bragging. Most readers will dismiss a writer who is not smart enough. Avoid hype and people will be looking forward to read your articles.
  • Do a thorough research on the topic and make sure that you go into depth. You should use number list, offer some secret tips and be original. This will make you unique and make people come looking for your articles.
  • Use topics that will attract readers, if you use boring headlines people will dismiss your articles even before they get to know the content. The headline should be short and simple. Include the keyword in your topic and this will give you high ranks with the search engines.
  • Avoid copying other people’s articles or using their ideas. When doing research online make sure that you use your own words and let the article flow to keep the reader interested.
  • Do not overload the resource box. This is a mistake that any article writer can commit and it can ruin their quality work. Just place the affiliate link and you will definitely get some good results. This is important to people who are marketing their products or services. It is simple but has to be done in the right way.